Guideline for COVID-19 patients (tested positive) to enter the campus

Guideline for COVID-19 patients (tested positive) to enter the campus


Dec. 8, 2020

Dokkyo University keeps restriction on entering to the campus, and gives the following guidelines to COVID-19 patients. The guideline comes into effect as of December 5, 2020 and may be changed depending on future changes of the situation.

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 infection (including the suspicion that you will take an examination for diagnosis)
Entry to campus is prohibited from the day you are identified as being infected (with positive test results)
Call to the University Health Center(048-946-1944)before the end of the assigned period for treatment.
Stay home for 7 days after the assigned period of treatment (by counting the end day as the day "0"). You have another 3 weeks as an observation period (4 weeks in total). Keep your temperature record and certainsymptoms on Health Check Form during the above 4 weeks and submit the form to the University Health Center after each period.
After the self-isolation period you can enter the campus if having no problem on health.
⑤ If you remain in bad health condition, have new symptoms or worsening of symptoms, seek medical advice to a medical institution or a public health center in your local area. Ask a doctor if you may go to the campus or not, then call to the University Health Center. (Use designated forms for students, faculty and staffs)

2.If you are identified as a close contact
①From the day you are identified as a close contact you are prohibited from entering the campus.
② You are permitted to enter the campus after 14 days (advised by the public health center) from the day you are identified as a close contact. Keep records of the Health Check Form every day and submit that to the University Health Center at a later date.

3.If you have fever, cold-like symptoms, bad condition in health
Stay home and do not enter into the campus.
You can enter the campus after 3 days from getting better. Keep records on the Health Check Form to submit if requested.

Q1:What can I do if my housemates are identified as a close contact.
A1:You may be identified as a close contact depending upon the health conditions or PCR test results of your housemates. Keep watching your health condition with infection prevention such as wearing a mask and disinfecting your fingers. Call to a medical institution or a public health center in your local area if any problem in your health.

Q2:What can I do if I receive an Exposure Notification from Contact Confirming Application (COCOA)?
A2:See the following homepage of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
厚生労働省 接触確認アプリ利用者向けQ&A
Please try to keep the infection prevention and your health management.

[Related Links]

Dokkyo University Health Center